[OpenSER-Devel] dialog callbacks: mi enhancements

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Mon Apr 21 11:00:17 CEST 2008

Hi Dan,

So far it was about displaying information regarding dialogs and 
additional context - no other kind of ops.

I think the main issue is about the "generic" & "low level" support 
offered by dialog module and if the dialog module shold be aware and do 
some something for the modules on top of it.
I find it non-logical to have dialog module displaying info it does not 
keep and it does not understand, data form this upper modules ( the 
dialog context).

As said, neither logical, nor from structural point of view i consider 
the proposed approach suitable.


Dan Pascu wrote:
> On Sunday 20 April 2008, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
>>     - if the MI command resided in the dialog module, we will need a
>> complex way to select what contexts we want to fetch. Imagine there are
>> 2 modules seating on top of dialog module - SST and XXX. So, when
>> issuing the MI command to dialog module, which context we should get -
>> SST or XXX?
> I think this very much depends on what do you intend to do with the MI 
> command. If the sole purpose is to display some dialog information along 
> with upper module information (if the upper module registered to provide 
> such dialog related info), then I see no issue. One only needs to 
> registers an upper module with a name and a function that provides the 
> extra information and the dialog module will display any such additional 
> info under the name the module registered it. However if the intent of 
> the MI command is more complex, like manipulating information, then I 
> don't think the dialog module should even attempt to do anything in the 
> upper module.

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