[OpenSER-Devel] dialog callbacks: mi enhancements

Dan Pascu dan at ag-projects.com
Sun Apr 20 20:58:51 CEST 2008

On Sunday 20 April 2008, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
>     - if the MI command resided in the dialog module, we will need a
> complex way to select what contexts we want to fetch. Imagine there are
> 2 modules seating on top of dialog module - SST and XXX. So, when
> issuing the MI command to dialog module, which context we should get -
> SST or XXX?

I think this very much depends on what do you intend to do with the MI 
command. If the sole purpose is to display some dialog information along 
with upper module information (if the upper module registered to provide 
such dialog related info), then I see no issue. One only needs to 
registers an upper module with a name and a function that provides the 
extra information and the dialog module will display any such additional 
info under the name the module registered it. However if the intent of 
the MI command is more complex, like manipulating information, then I 
don't think the dialog module should even attempt to do anything in the 
upper module.


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