[OpenSER-Devel] SF.net SVN: openser: [3972] trunk
Dan Pascu
dan at ag-projects.com
Fri Apr 4 12:38:38 CEST 2008
On Friday 04 April 2008, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
> > I can understand that some things need to be improved, but I was
> > pointing out that this kind of major refactoring between minor
> > releases shouldn't be the norm.
> Apache does versioning with major release as first number, we say major
> release based on middle number change. The difference is that we do
> major releases more often.
Apart from that being confusing, considering the well established
consensus followed by most projects using a major.minor.micro numbering
scheme, what is the 1st number standing for in openser and what will
happen when it changes, considerig that the middle number brings such
significant changes? :)
> I agree that backward compatibility should be enforced as much as
> possible, but should take in consideration:
> - the effort to implement it
> - the complexity it adds
> - how big effects has the change in openser
It is my opinion that most of the backward compatibility issues we have
faced, as well as the major refactoring that happens between 2 releases,
is caused by rushing in new features without a proper design/evaluation
phase that would try to sort out potential future issues and minimize the
number of design changes that will be done later. That combined with the
6 month release schedule and the fact that between 2 releases openser
becomes very quickly unstable to the point that almost none uses it to
test the new features, results in the fact that nobody notices issues
with the new features until after a new openser is released, or even only
after 2-3 releases. Then it gets down the major change path, but still
not overviewed/tested enough because openser is unstable again between
releases. The number of bugs that are fixed immediately after a release,
confirms my hypothesis that almost none does test openser inbetween or
immediately before a new release, which aggravates the issue.
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