[OpenSER-Devel] Re: [OpenSER-Users] New db_berkeley module

William Quan wiquan at employees.org
Fri Oct 5 19:20:18 CEST 2007

Henning Westerholt wrote:
> On Friday 05 October 2007, Will Quan wrote:
>> A new DB module has been submitted to the trunk that incorporates the
>> Berkeley DB into Openser. This module depends on Berkeley DB, which is a
>> high-performance embedded DB kernel.
>> The Berkeley DB offers a couple of architectures:
>> 1. Concurrent Data Store (CDS)
>> 2. Transaction Data Store
>> This module uses the CDS model. One of the main differences between these
>> architectures is DB recovery and robustness (Please refer to the Berkeley
>> DB for full details). In a nutshell, the onus of recovery is on the
>> application (e.g. openser). This modules contains a recovery program
>> utils/db_berkeley/bdb_recover that can be used to recover DB files.
>> Like other DB modules, the DB must be created before Openser can be
>> started. The standard openserdbctl script can be used to create the DB once
>> the Berkeley DB is installed.
>> The module is experimental, and has been tested primarily with
>> registration.
>> **Important**
>> Berkeley DB v4.6.19 contains a bug that will most certainly result in
>> deadlock. There is a patch available for Berkeley DB 4.6.19, and the fix is
>> to be sourced in the next release of 4.6.
>> Special thanks to the authors of dbtext and postgesql modules:
>>  dbtext - Daniel-Constantin Mierla
>>  postgres - Greg Fausak, Andy Fullford, Norman Brandinger
>> Also thanks to Henning Westerholt for reviewing the code .
> Hello William,
> just a short update from my side:
> I'll commit later a almost working (except for some indexes) version of the 
> xsl database schema generation for this module. What do you recommend in 
> regards to indexes that are defined over more than one column, e.g. in the 
> subscriber table? How can i specify this type of index in the database file? 
> I noticed that at the moment there is no openserctl tool for this database 
> module available. Do you have any plans providing this?
> Cheers,
> Henning
I'll have to look into indexing the subscriber table, and get back to
you on that.

I can provide some openserctl cmds for the db_berkeley.

Aside, there is a new release of BDB  4.6.21 available at:
>From reading the change log, this version has the fix we need. However,
I have yet to verify.

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