[Devel] CVS commitlog: sip-server Makefile.defs items.c items_extra.c sr_module.c strcommon.c strcommon.h transformations.c transformations.h ut.h

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Tue Feb 13 20:36:30 CET 2007

Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:

 > yes, it is. I am wondering if there is a need to add automatically 
 > unescape of user after receive and escape just before relaying.  This 
 > might need some changes and therefore to be included in next release.

i agree that would make sense to automate unescape/escape for the next

 > By now solutions are:
 > $var(x)=$(rU{s.unescape.user});
 > if($rU != $var(x)) $rU=$var(x);
 > or (bit slower)
 > if($rU != $(rU{s.unescape.user})) $rU=$(rU{s.unescape.user});

plus escape in branch route.

-- juha

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