[Devel] new features: script variables and pseudo-variables in script

Norman Brandinger norm at goes.com
Mon Apr 2 21:24:14 CEST 2007

Hi Daniel,

It looks like avp copying works.  For example:

$avp(i:110) = $avp(i:111);

produces the expected result.

If this is indeed the case, then perhaps you can remove avp_copy (the
way avp_write was removed).


p.s. haven't forgotten about the fifo dump.  the last few days have been
unusually out-of-control.  the best part was after moving about half my
network over to the new fiber pipe.  turned bgp routing up on a new box
and lost all connectivity to the outside world.  problem turned out to
be a wedged ethernet card.  probbly aged a year in 15 minutes.

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