[Devel] RE: [Users] OpenSER - one year old
Tavis P
tavis.lists at galaxytelecom.net
Thu Jun 15 23:57:58 CEST 2006
Douglas Garstang wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Tavis P [mailto:tavis.lists at galaxytelecom.net]
>> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 3:33 PM
>> To: devel at openser.org
>> Cc: users at openser.org
>> Subject: Re: [Devel] RE: [Users] OpenSER - one year old
>> Douglas Garstang wrote:
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Tavis P [mailto:tavis.lists at galaxytelecom.net]
>>>> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 3:04 PM
>>>> Cc: devel at openser.org; users at openser.org
>>>> Subject: Re: [Devel] RE: [Users] OpenSER - one year old
>>>> Juha Heinanen wrote:
>>>>> Douglas Garstang writes:
>>>>> > My comments are constructive. I've constructively
>> stated several
>>>>> > times that the documentation is very bad. Each time I've
>>>> made this
>>>>> > constructive comment, I've been attacked. In my previous
>>>> post, I made
>>>>> > another constructive comment. I said that maybe the reason the
>>>>> > documentation is so bad is that the project isn't that old.
>>>>> rather that complaining, learn to read the relevant pieces
>>>> of code and
>>>>> write better documentation.
>>>>> -- juha
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>>>>> Devel mailing list
>>>>> Devel at openser.org
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>>>> I find it interesting that you would characterize your
>> statements as
>>>> "constructive" and the responses you've received as "attacks"
>>>> I believe this may be one of the central issues
>>> Why do you consider my opinion that the documentation is
>> bad, and that it should be maintained by the developers interesting?
>> Its not your opinion on the documentation that i find interesting, its
>> how you characterize your dislike for the documentation (and repeated
>> expression of it)
>> In my opinion, if you are able to use an application you are able to
>> document how you use it.
>> I am not a C developer however i have contributed to the
>> documentation,
>> and i believe it is with this type of action that Open Source
>> communities become strong (contribution).
>> Having someone constantly express what they don't like about
>> the project
>> yet do little else to effect change in it serves no positive or
>> productive purpose
>> OpenSER is an excellent application and i am proud to be a part of its
>> community. A community that responds to impatience and contempt with
>> patience and wisdom
>> Please help us keep this community healthy because in the end it
>> benefits us all (in more ways that i can count)
>> Demanding that others solve perceived issues is generally not a good
>> approach (unless you are dealing with a commercial entity and has a
>> professional responsibility to you)
> Sorry, but I disagree with you. I'm fed up with relying on documentation that's badly written or wrong, because the person who wrote it made assumptions about what they thought they knew... because they in turn relied upon someone else who had made the same mistakes. The reason the chain of events got started in the first place was because people played around, experimated, tinkered, etc, and came to incorrect conclusions.
However, if you expect any results i would recommend a change of
approach because i get the impression that even the most patient of us
here are feeling abused
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