[Devel] serweb

Mike Williams mwilliams at ETC1.net
Thu Jan 19 23:29:32 CET 2006

CVS access sounds good, just let me know user name and password.

Here is what I have determined about SERweb, perhaps others will be able to add what they know to it:

Possible Problems:

APU's are his own creation/extension of PHPlib's OOHtml forms. 

PHPlib has not been update since PHP3 (can anyone verify this?)

All of the classes are based on pre-PHP5 object support, so they are both deprecated and essentially arrays. They are not safe and have issues with pass-by-reference and variable visibility.

The data layer employs aggregate_methods, which is only available in a beta extension. The author of the extension states that the extension will probably only be used when it shouldn't be. Aggregate_methods seems to have problems working with PHP5.1

Good parts:

The author used Smarty templates, which should make the HTML transition very easy.

PEAR DB was used instead of a specific database. This makes the data layer more universal.

Current Goals:

1. Remove need for aggregate_methods
2. Remove need for PHPlib
3. Move towards PHP recommended coding standard (http://www.phpinfo.net/articles/article_php-coding-standard.html) 
4. Refactor objects for true OOP and for PHP5 
5. Implement XML configuration files (optional)

I'm very interested in hearing other's thoughts on this. Thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu [mailto:bogdan at voice-system.ro]
Sent: Thu 1/19/2006 6:46 AM
To: Mike Williams
Cc: devel at openser.org
Subject: Re: [Devel] serweb
Hi Mike,

Mike Williams wrote:

>Has anyone rewritten serweb to work with PHP 5.1 and specifically for OpenSER 
>in addition to SER? I've started some basic work to refactor much of the 
>design. Most of the OOP methods employed were muddied thanks to PHP 4's lack 
>of real objects. I think it would benefit greatly from a complete rewrite / 
>cleanup of the data layer.
So far the compatibility was not broken, as far as I know - maybe minor 
changes are required. But overall, if you want to start such a work, I 
would say ok :)

>How should I go about working on this? Does the OpenSER team want me to use a 
>public CVS system? Any suggestions on how to keep the discussions open and yet not flooding the development mailing list?
ok- access to the public cvs can be granted; for discussions, the devel 
list is the best choice.

>Also, does anyone know what is happening with PHPlib? The programmer of the 
>original SER seems to have made large use of it, but PHPlib doesn't seem to 
>have been updated since PHP3.
I have no PHP experience, but basing a software on something is not 
maintain anymore doesn;t sound like a good choice.


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