[Devel] TLS ...

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at voice-system.ro
Thu Feb 23 10:07:09 CET 2006

Hello Klaus,

I believe some of those can use same static buffer and have hooks inside 
the buffer to start of the pseudo-variable value and the length. Like 
with sip message, there is a static buffer and for each process and then 
the parser just links the hooks. What do you think?


On 02/22/06 21:54, Klaus Darilion wrote:
> Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
>>> Please check if I got it right:
>>> We can make a function ascii2str which copies the ascii string into 
>>> a statice buffer (e.g. maxlen=255, I have to check if there a length 
>>> limits for certificate parameters).
>>> $cn retrieves the certificate subject from openssl as ASCII. it then 
>>> uses ascii2str to copy it into the static buffer.
>>> Would that mean also that in the following snippet all these tasks 
>>> are done 3 times (xlog+xlog+accounting)?
>> It is up to the implementation. The pseudo-variables getting the time 
>> calls time(NULL) only once per message, as well as TM module sets one 
>> time the global transaction variable (it does not search the 
>> transaction each time is needed per script processing). So, you can 
>> do it each time, or once per script processing, it is a matter of 
>> internal design and developer's choice - recommended is to be once 
>> per script processing.
> If we want to have it once per script processing, we need a static 
> buffer for each parameter. Given the list of possible parameters 
> (taken from ser's tls module) this will add 46 static buffers. Is this 
> something we should do or should we choose another implementation?
> regards
> klaus
> List of possible TLS parameters:
> @tls                            String description of the TLS layer
> @tls.version                    Protocol version being used
> @tls.desc                       The same as @tls
> @tls.cipher                     Cipher name being used
> @tls.cipher.bits                Number of bits used for encryption
> @tls.peer                       Peer certificate subject common name
> @tls.me                         Local certificate subject common name
> @tls.peer.subject               same as @tls.peer
> @tls.peer.issuer                Peer certificate issuer common name
> @tls.peer.verified              True if peer cert has been verified
> @tls.peer.version               Peer/local certificate version
> @tls.peer.sn                    Peer/local certificate number
> @tls.peer.not_before            Certificate validity start
> @tls.peer.not_after             Certificate validity end
> @tls.peer.email                 Email address from subj alternative name
> @tls.peer.host                  DNS anme from subj alternative name
> @tls.peer.uri                   URI from subj alternative name
> @tls.peer.ip                    IP address from subj alternative name
> @tls.peer.subj.locality         locality component
> @tls.peer.subj.country          subject country
> @tls.peer.subj.state            subject state
> @tls.peer.subj.organization     subject organization
> @tls.peer.subj.unit             subject organizational unit
> @tls.peer.issuer.locality       locality component
> @tls.peer.issuer.country        issuer country
> @tls.peer.issuer.state          issuer state
> @tls.peer.issuer.organization   issuer organization
> @tls.peer.issuer.unit           issuer organizational unit
> @tls.my.version                 Peer/local certificate version
> @tls.my.sn                      Peer/local certificate number
> @tls.my.not_before              Certificate validity start
> @tls.my.not_after               Certificate validity end
> @tls.my.email                   Email address from subj alternative name
> @tls.my.host                    DNS anme from subj alternative name
> @tls.my.uri                     URI from subj alternative name
> @tls.my.ip                      IP address from subj alternative name
> @tls.my.subj.locality           locality component
> @tls.my.subj.country            subject country
> @tls.my.subj.state              subject state
> @tls.my.subj.organization       subject organization
> @tls.my.subj.unit               subject organizational unit
> @tls.my.issuer.locality         locality component
> @tls.my.issuer.country          issuer country
> @tls.my.issuer.state            issuer state
> @tls.my.issuer.organization     issuer organization
> @tls.my.issuer.unit             issuer organizational unit

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