[Kamailio-Users] Scaling up asterisk using kamailio while keeping features (WAS: re-invite mid call?)

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 13:54:36 CET 2010

On 1/4/10 1:43 PM, Antonio Goméz Soto wrote:
> [...]
>>> And I currently have no clue on how to do attended transfer, or call 
>>> pickup
>>> on such a system, both of which seem pretty basic to me in a corporate
>>> environment.
>> Eint ¿? ... an attended transfer it's no more than two calls A call 
>> B, B puts
>> A on hold, B calls C, C accept the transfer, B transfer A to C ... it 
>> just
>> work with the basic example .cfg of kamailio, because it's a work of 
>> the UA's
>> involved on that calls, not a task of the proxy.
>> Call-pickup could also be done at proxy level, if your UA's support that
>> supplementary services, if not .. a B2BUA must be used.
> What is it exactly that a UA must support? Do regular VoIP phones 
> support it?

for call transfer the phones should support REFER and most of them do.

For call pickup you need dialoginfo presence modules loaded on proxy and 
the phones to support the SIP extension rfc4235:

Not many phones support it now, but I guess more will do it in near 
future. Snom does it now pretty good.


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
* http://www.asipto.com/

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