[Kamailio-Users] newbie question

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 21:22:18 CET 2009

On 25.10.2009 16:05 Uhr, Alex Balashov wrote:
> [...]
> To sum up: a reboot won't break things *too* badly - certainly, no 
> existing calls will drop or fail to be hung up properly later - but is 
> generally undesirable.
more or less a side questio -- have anyone experienced call drop when 
using TCP and proxy is restarted? What sip phones were used?


Daniel-Constantin Mierla
* Kamailio SIP Masterclass, Nov 9-13, 2009, Berlin
* http://www.asipto.com/index.php/sip-router-masterclass/

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