[Kamailio-Users] Possible setups question

Varga Levente vlzoltan at gmail.com
Sun Nov 15 20:51:21 CET 2009


I'm new to Kamailio so I want to ask a few questions before to be sure
that I'm not trying to do something that cannot be done using
Kamailio. The question would be if it is possible to do the following
things using Kamailio:
I want to setup the following configuration, two or more Asterisk
servers with one redundant server in standby using Kamailio to route
and partition the number. of users in a fixed manner.
What I mean by that for instance if I have 200 users I want that the
first 100 user to register and use server number one and the other 100
user to use the server number two. A user cannot migrate from one
server to another they have to be always on the designated server from
start. Kamailio would act as a unified front-end/gateway for the
client (they will use the same entry point not being aware that there
a number of Asterisk server beside it). Also there is a need for a N+1
redudancy scheme, that is if one of the servers fail or get very busy
the new calls and registration should be redirected to the standby
server on the fly (user account data replication would be taken care
of on the spot). Can all this be done using Kamailio as a gateway and
SIP router? Thank you!

Lege, lege, relege, ora, labora et invenies.

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