[Kamailio-Users] sip trace & duplicate_uri

kokoska rokoska kokoska.rokoska at post.cz
Tue Feb 3 09:48:46 CET 2009

Daniel-Constantin Mierla napsal(a):
> On 02/02/2009 09:35 PM, kokoska rokoska wrote:
>> [...]
>>>> Hello,
>>>> i have increased debug to 6 and I can not see errors in syslog.
>>>> Messages are traced, stored into DB, but not duplicated.
>>>> I'm at 1.4.3 on CentOS 5 - if it makes sense...
>>>> Thank you very much, Daniel, for your interest!
>>> ok, checked the source code. For some reason I do not recall now, when I
>>> wrote the module the duplication is done only when traced_user_avp is
>>> set.
>>> http://kamailio.org/docs/modules/devel/siptrace.html#id2452997
>>> Set that avp and try again. If works I will try to fix and make it work
>>> without avp.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Daniel
>> Thank you very much, Daniel, for your help!
>> It works :-)
>> BTW: My idea is to offload proxy from (blocking ?) DB operatinos and
>> still have all possible logs => I think I can duplicate all messages to
>> another kamailio server and store them there to another DB. Is it
>> doable?
> With sip trace you still get them in a DB, because it first stores to DB
> and then sends to another address. However, what you want to achieve is
> something good, so for the future I will have in mind the option just to
> replicate to another address and skip writing to db.
>>  Or, better to say, can I trace and duplicate messages on one
>> server and not log them?
> If you want to duplicate the messages that come to kamailio, you can use
> the send() function in route and onreply_route block.
> http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/core-cookbook:devel#send_destination
> If you want the siptrace module to do it, you have to hack it a bit.
> Practically is to introduce a new parameter, e.g., skip_db_storage, and
> put the code that writes in db inside a if not skip_db_storage.
> Cheers,
> Daniel

Thank you very much, Daniel, for very valuable help!

Thats a shame, but I completly forgot about "send" (if I ever know it -
I'm not sure :-) It could solve my needs for now.
Many thanks once more...

Your suggestion about improving siptrace module is very interesting, but
I'm very overloaded for now and not a programmer. But in a month or so I
try to look in the code and let's see what happens :-)

Best regards,


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