[Kamailio-Users] OpenSER without MYSQL

Alex Balashov abalashov at evaristesys.com
Thu Aug 13 15:45:38 CEST 2009

Ratheendran R wrote:

> I want to port openSER on an embedded board,I need configure the openser 
> without MySQL due to space constraint.
> So can you let me know whether this is possible also can you give any 
> reference document on how to port on ARM 9 based boad.

I don't know that this is really a good idea.  While OpenSER is a 
relatively "low-level" component of VoIP infrastructure, it is heavily 
bound up in the higher layers of abstraction, including the point at 
which high-level application delivery happens.  It's designed to run on 
real servers - at least, to achieve any real scalability.  This isn't 
the same as PBX appliances.

Beyond that, there aren't too many ways to use OpenSER without database 
backing.  Why does the database have to be on the same embedded machine 
as the proxy itself?  Why can't it be centralised on a powerful set of 

To avoid database calls, you'd have to completely abandon use of a 
number of critical modules, and put all business logic statically in the 
  route script.  This is something for which it is not very well-suited; 
  it is not a general-purpose programming language, and doesn't have 
many of the commonsensical, every-day primitives relied upon in common 
programming, and certainly no elegant or pretty ways to use them when 
they are available in some form.  It's a highly specialised language.

About the only other thing you can do to pull this off is to use SEAS 
(SIP Express Application Server), a Java application server that can be 
used with OpenSER to provide request processing using servlet APIs and 
techniques.  It is, however, commercial, and, being Java and all, 
obviously cannot run on the embedded system either.

It is a matter of taste and opinion, of course, but I think your project 
is a bad idea.  If it must be done, I recommend using a database, albeit 
across a network.  This is necessary for storage and performance 
reasons, as well.

-- Alex

Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
Web     : http://www.evaristesys.com/
Tel     : (+1) (678) 954-0670
Direct  : (+1) (678) 954-0671

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