[Kamailio-Users] Handling 302s

Graham Wooden graham at g-rock.net
Sun Oct 12 18:44:23 CEST 2008

Thanks for the reply Juha ... That is exactly what I am trying to do;  and
they actually ACK my invite back but then nothing.  My bad if I explained it
that the 302 actually gets sent back up.

Is this invite supposed to be like any other call, originating from

On 10/12/08 10:46 AM, "Juha Heinanen" <jh at tutpro.com> wrote:

> Graham Wooden writes:
>> That being said - does anyone know any tricks to get this working - in such
>> a way that I can create a new call leg and have the call go back out,
>> preferably within kamailio? Thanks,
> perhaps i didn't understand what you try to do, but if call comes from pstn
> to kaamilio, which forwards it to somewhere and gets back 302, then
> get_redirects() + t_relay() makes kamailio to send a new invite to 302
> contacts instead of relaying 302 to your pstn gw.
> -- juha

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