[OpenSER-Users] [RFC] - siptrace change

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Wed May 14 14:36:29 CEST 2008


I would like to get your opinion/comments on some siptrace issue.

In 1.3, a new capability was added in siptrace - to trace the ACK 
resulted from sending stateless replies.

The problem I discovered with this is that it cannot be controlled by 
selecting the messages or transactions to be be traced. Usually you use 
siptrace to trace only certain transactions / messages - tracing all 
traffic is usually not a realistic option.

So, with the stateless ACK, the siptrace module cannot apply the 
selection from script and trace them all, with no filtering at all. So, 
if you want to trace a traffic for a single user, all ACK going through 
the platform will be traced.

This reduces the usability of the module and you get a lot of garbage 

My suggestion will be to disable stateless ACK tracing until a way to 
control/filter it is found. I'm asking this considering the upcoming 
1.3.2 release from tomorrow.


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