[OpenSER-Users] [openser install] error while creating the openser DB - presence tables

Pascal Maugeri pascal.maugeri1 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 15:09:37 CET 2008


While creating the openser DB (/usr/local/sbin/openserdbctl create) I get
the following error:

  INFO: creating presence tables into openser ...
  ERROR 1170 (42000) at line 2: BLOB/TEXT column 'rlsubs_did' used in key
specification without a key length
  ERROR: Failed to create rls-presence tables!

FYI I've downloaded the source code from 1.3 branch (rev. 3957) and disabled
the following modules in my installation:

  exclude_modules?= jabber cpl-c postgres osp unixodbc avp_radius
auth_radius group_radius uri_radius xmpp presence_mwi pua pua_bla pua_mi
pua_usrloc pua_xmpp rls mi_xmlrpc perl snmpstats perlvdb ldap carrierroute
h350 xcap_client db_berkeley seas

(From the original Makefile I only enabled mysql, presence and presence_xml

Should I enable any other module ?

It does work when I choose to not install the presence related tables.

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestion.

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