[OpenSER-Users] Carrierroute

Douglas Garstang dougmig33 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 26 05:33:44 CET 2008

>I am using this module in production with more then 400k routes loaded
>for 8 different providers and it is working like a charm.
>As Henning mentioned, the interface is a little bit cumbersome but usable.
>You can put all the carriers under the same table and prioritize the
>gateway based on domains.  Like tis you don't need to hardcode
>anything in the config file.
>Carrierroute was designed to deal with a big amount of routing rules
>and it is doing an amazing job.
>LCR was designed to deal with a limited number of routes/gateways but
>t has a different level of flexibility and a more mature interface.

Ovidiu, ok... but I'm still a bit confused. How do you simulate LCR with carrierroute?


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