[OpenSER-Users] LCR... Too many entries
Douglas Garstang
dougmig33 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 25 20:58:52 CET 2008
>Douglas Garstang writes:
>> Ok, can someone please tell me why 4999 LCR entries is too many?
>> What's the limit? Is it hard coded in the OpenSER source? Why?
>there is a constant in lcr_mod.h that tells how many lcr entries cached
>lcr table can hold:
>#define MAX_QUERY_SIZE 512
>you can increase its value, but as i have said, lcr module was not
>designed for the kind of inter-operator application that you have.
Ok... what about carrierroute? Are there are docs or examples available besides the very limited module specs at openser.org? It seems like if you want to change carriers you have to hard code it in cr_tree_rewrite_uri(). Wouldn't a next_carrier() type function make more sense?
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