[OpenSER-Users] Why every body return "404 Not Found" instead of "480 Not Available"?

kokoska rokoska kokoska.rokoska at post.cz
Wed Mar 5 11:38:25 CET 2008

Iñaki Baz Castillo napsal(a):
> Hi, after a large discussion in sip-implementros maillist I realize that a 
> proxy/location server shouldn't reply "404" if a callee DOES exist but it's 
> not registered in that moment.
> In fact:
>  480 Temporarily Unavailable
>    [...]
>    This status is also returned by a redirect or proxy server that
>    recognizes the user identified by the Request-URI, but does not
>    currently have a valid forwarding location for that user.
>  404 Not Found
>    The server has definitive information that the user does not exist at
>    the domain specified in the Request-URI.
>    [...]
> Why then every body suggest to reply "404 Not Found" when "lookup(location)" 
> returns -1? For example, the "registrar" module doc suggests it:
>   Example 1-22. lookup usage
>     lookup("location");
>     switch ($?) {
>       case -1:
>       case -3:
>           sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found");
>           exit;
>       case -2:
>           sl_send_reply("405", "Not Found");
>           exit;
>     };
> Best regards.

Hi Iñaki,

at least in Czech Republic there are TSPs which replay with 480 :-)
On the other side: one TSP - in case he receives 480 - sends INVITE 
again and again till you don't send him 404,486,5xxx,6xx :-(

Just my 2c...


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