[Kamailio-Users] Kamalio Support for RFC 3323 " Privacy"

ingdavidcespedes at cable.net.co ingdavidcespedes at cable.net.co
Thu Dec 11 22:43:01 CET 2008

----- Mensaje original -----
De: Alexandr Dubovikov <voip at start4.info>
Fecha: Viernes, Diciembre 5, 2008 1:13 pm
Asunto: Re: [Kamailio-Users] Kamalio Support for RFC 3323 " Privacy"

> Iñaki Baz Castillo пишет:
> > El Viernes, 5 de Diciembre de 2008, Juha Heinanen escribió:
> >   
> >> if caller needs privacy, then it is up to the UA to send 
> anonymous from
> >> header together with p-p-i and privacy headers.
> >>     
I Think this is wrong. The UA should ask for the privacy services, an the proxy must offer this services. This means it must rewrite the information that the UA is willing to keep private with anonymous information, and keep track of it, so it can be replaced when the response is received.
> >
> > That would be so cool... Unfortunatelly I just know a SIP phone 
> implementing 
> > it: Twinkle.
> >
> > Other phones (as Linksys) when the user enables privacy during a 
> call, just 
> > set the From Display-Name with "Anonymous" value, while the From 
> username 
> > remains the real :(
> >
> >   
> Yep, some UAC set "Anonymous" only in Display Name. But u can fix 
> it 
> using this code:
> $var(url) = $fu;
> if(is_present_hf("Privacy") && ($hdr(Privacy)=="id" || 
> $hdr(Privacy)=="user") && search("(From|f):\s*\"?anonymous")) {
> uac_replace_from("Anonymous","sip:anonymous at anonymous.invalid");
> if(!is_present_hf("P-Asserted-Identity")) { 
> append_hf("P-Asserted-Identity: <$var(url)>\r\n"); };
> }

This is what i'm talking about!!!!, but you should check also if the message already have a P-Asserted-Identity that was generated before and remove it. 

And how it will know to which transaction it corresponds when the response message comes. It will use the branch id, and the tags? It doesn't matter that some URIs have been replaced with anonymous information?

There should be an easier way to do this. 
> With best regards,
> -- 
> Alexandr Dubovikov * baron at iRC RusNet * shurik at start4.info
>    AD1-UANIC      *  ICQ: 122351182  *  http://www.start4.info
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