[OpenSER-Users] presence module dialog handling
Sigrid Thijs
sigrid.thijs at androme.com
Mon Apr 14 14:38:39 CEST 2008
we've configured OpenSER 1.3.0 on a FreeBSD server, together with
OpenXCAP 0.9.9.
When testing presence rules (RFC 5025) with our UA, we noticed the
following behavior:
- Subscription Handling is set to "block" in the presence rules:
When a watcher subscribes for presence, it receives a NOTIFY with the
Subscription-State set to "terminated;reason=rejected". This is as expected.
When the presentity changes it's presence, the watcher doesn't receive
any NOTIFY requests with the presence update (also OK).
But, when the presentity changes the subscription handling to "allow" in
the presence-rules document, the server sends an in-dialog NOTIFY
request on the subscription dialog that was previously terminated. This
is not ok. See the attached file presence_rules_01.txt.
- Subscription Handling is set to "allow" in the presence rules:
When the presentity changes the subscription handling to "block" in the
presence-rules document, the server sends a NOTIFY with the
Subscription-State set to "terminated;reason=timeout" to the watchers.
When the presentity changes his presence, the presence server will still
send NOTIFY requests to the watchers.
See the attached file presence_rules_02.txt.
kind regards,
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