[OpenSER-Users] case sensitivity with avp_db_load
Norman Brandinger
norm at goes.com
Fri Oct 19 17:56:36 CEST 2007
In MySQL see:
One solution would be to define the table or particular column in
question with a case sensitive character set mapping, for example:
CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin
Christian Schlatter wrote:
> Jiri Kuthan wrote:
>> At 12:52 19/10/2007, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
>>> On 10/19/07 13:35, Jiri Kuthan wrote:
>>>> I think the fundemental error here is you look up users by URI as
>>>> opposed to a unique identifier. -jiri
>>> Well, the issue remains, how you lookup the unique id. You need to
>>> do it via username and/or parts of the sip message. You can load
>>> avps or do any other operations using unique ID in openser, for some
>>> time now, that is not an issue. Apart of that, there are other
>>> values that are used in the config or modules, that may, or may not
>>> require case insensitive comparison and one cannot assign unique id
>>> for each.
>> What I consider a proper behaviour is 1) getting usernames into a
>> normalized string form (%-escapes, upper/lower-case, local
>> naming policies, internatilization, ettc., etc.)
>> - failure not to do so is likely to result in mismatch
>> 2) translation of normaized names into unambiguous unique ids
>> - failure to do is is likely to caused difficulties with aliases
>> (domain aliases,
>> user aliases, combination of both)
>> 3) doing subsequent operations using ids.
> I don't understand why username at domain is not unique enough?
> According to RFC 3261 section 19.1.4, SIP usernames are case
> sensitive, so you actually shouldn't convert them to upper/lower-case.
> And user/domain aliases is a different issue since it always involves
> some kind of alias mapping lookup.
> /Christian
>> See above inline for what happens when you do it other ways. In any case
>> that's how unambiguous behaviour shall be achieved in a "water-proof"
>> way.
>>> So, I do not see any fundamental error here, given the subject of
>>> the discussion.
>> looking up user data by his username as opposed to by id is just very
>> poor idea,
>> let's face it. (those familiar with unix may find too that usernames
>> are used
>> as input/output user-interface thing, but the OS actually operates
>> over numbers)
>> The funny part is that getting things right is apparently not a big
>> deal in this
>> case, but getting it wrong can cause big headaches.
>> I am not sure though what of it is coding and what of it is
>> configuration thing in openser, I'm sure some will know.
>> -jiri
>> --
>> Jiri Kuthan http://iptel.org/~jiri/
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