[Users] LCR module (1.2.0)

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Thu May 3 17:36:33 CEST 2007

Bruno Machado writes:

 > prefix----------from_uri-------grp_id--------priority
 > 0123456------------------------------  1 ---------------1
 > 0________------^sip:123.*---------   2 ---------------0
 > Ok. The LCR documentation tells that the column 'from_uri' must be a
 > regular expression in this version. The route selected is the first
 > line. I'd like to route the voip number 123 through  GW 2, but it
 > doesn't happens. 

i don't understand based on the above, how your lcr table looks like
and which uri you are trying to call.  what are the underscores after 0?
prefix is just a prefix, nothing else.

-- juha

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