[Users] Proxy/Registrar and NAT

Alex Hermann alex at speakup.nl
Wed May 2 15:28:47 CEST 2007

On Wednesday 02 May 2007 15:12, Juha Heinanen wrote:
> Alex Hermann writes:
>  > I want the REGISTER request
>  > to be handled on the first host it arrives on. Then only some INVITE's
>  > need to create inter-proxy traffic.
> say you have two proxies, then probability that invite arrives at
> "wrong" proxy is 50%, i.e., half of invites will use resources from both
> proxies.
I know. But registers will be more frequent in this situation, I don't want 
them to hop around. And 50% is still a saving.

> further, if the "right" proxy happens to be down, you loose 
> completely, i.e., there is no redundancy.

Until a reregister occurs...
There's no way around that because of the NAT relation, except hijacking the 
IP with HA or something similar (and making OpenSER aware of the added IP). 
The UA's don't support simultaneous registering with multiple proxies.

> doesn't sound very attractive to me.
Feel free to suggest a NAT aware solution :)

I think Klaus' suggestion to take the stored socket in the location table into 
account when sending out the request to the contact is a nice first step to 
prevent unnecessary hops, while still handling NAT. The unreachable proxy 
situation is unrelated and happens either way.


Alex Hermann

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