[Users] PRESENCE module issues

G.O. Jensen geir.o.jensen at uninett.no
Fri Mar 23 11:39:56 CET 2007

While I seemingly have presence status between my clients using
force_active=1 I do however get another serious problem. OpenSER now
crashes when I bring my client online! Or rather, one of it's subprocesses
does a SIGCHLD which makes OpenSER do a shutdown... so basically, I
register my client, I manage to get presence status of the other users and
then OpenSER dies...

The following is what I can see in the log file... I guess this would be
best for one of the developers to understand?

Request: sip:gojensen at test-sip.uninett.no REGISTER sip:test-sip.uninett.no
Request: sip:gojensen at test-sip.uninett.no REGISTER sip:test-sip.uninett.no
Request: sip:gojensen at test-sip.uninett.no SUBSCRIBE
sip:gojensen at test-sip.uninett.no -
PRESENCE: handle_subscribe:Missing or unsupported event header field value
PRESENCE:handle_subscribe: ERROR occured
Mar 23 11:21:24 test-sip OpenSER[5208]: Request:
sip:gojensen at test-sip.uninett.no SUBSCRIBE
sip:gojensen at test-sip.uninett.no -
PRESENCE:handle_subscribe: generating to_tag
 ^I[p_user]= gojensen  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]=
gojensen [w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
[event]= presence.winfo ^I[staus]= active ^I[expires]= 3600
[to_tag]= 10.5208.1174645284.2 ^I[from_tag]= 0c33e958
^I[p_user]= gojensen  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]= gojensen
[w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
[event]= presence.winfo ^I[staus]= active ^I[expires]= 3600
[to_tag]= 10.5208.1174645284.2 ^I[from_tag]= 0c33e958
Request: sip:gojensen at test-sip.uninett.no SUBSCRIBE
sip:1 at test-sip.uninett.no - MDY5N2MxM2IyYTVlODM2NDM0NmVjMmE2YjY4ZDc2YTA.
PRESENCE:handle_subscribe: generating to_tag
Request: sip:gojensen at test-sip.uninett.no SUBSCRIBE
sip:oak at test-sip.uninett.no - ZDRjZThlYTc4YTliYjdkYTYyMzVhZTc0ZTA2NWFkNTQ.
Request: sip:gojensen at test-sip.uninett.no SUBSCRIBE
sip:2 at test-sip.uninett.no - YzZhNmUxNzVkMTlkODM1MzA0MTZmNjI2NzVmNTcxYjE.
PRESENCE:notify:dialog informations:
 ^I[p_user]= 1  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]= gojensen
[w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
PRESENCE:handle_subscribe: generating to_tag
PRESENCE:handle_subscribe: generating to_tag
 ^I[p_user]= gojensen  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]=
gojensen [w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
[event]= presence ^I[staus]= active ^I[expires]= 3600
^I[p_user]= oak  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]= gojensen
[w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
 ^I[p_user]= 2  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]= gojensen
[w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
[event]= presence.winfo ^I[staus]= active ^I[expires]= 3600
[to_tag]= 10.5214.1174645284.1 ^I[from_tag]= c27b792d
[event]= presence ^I[staus]= pending ^I[expires]= 3600
[event]= presence ^I[staus]= active ^I[expires]= 3600
[to_tag]= 10.5208.1174645284.2 ^I[from_tag]= 0c33e958
 ^I[p_user]= 1  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]= gojensen
[w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
[to_tag]= 10.5211.1174645284.1 ^I[from_tag]= da1f9a69
[to_tag]= 10.5217.1174645284.1 ^I[from_tag]= ed54b05f
PRESENCE:get_wi_notify_body: querying database
[event]= presence ^I[staus]= active ^I[expires]= 3600
 ^I[p_user]= oak  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]= gojensen
[w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
 ^I[p_user]= 2  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]= gojensen
[w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
PRESENCE:get_wi_notify_body: the query returned no result
[to_tag]= 10.5214.1174645284.1 ^I[from_tag]= c27b792d
[event]= presence ^I[staus]= pending ^I[expires]= 3600
[event]= presence ^I[staus]= active ^I[expires]= 3600
PRESENCE: notify: build notify to user= gojensen domain=
test-sip.uninett.no for event= presence.winfo
PRESENCE:get_subs_dialog:querying database table = active_watchers
[to_tag]= 10.5211.1174645284.1 ^I[from_tag]= da1f9a69
[to_tag]= 10.5217.1174645284.1 ^I[from_tag]= ed54b05f
 ^I[p_user]= gojensen  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]=
gojensen [w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
PRESENCE: get_subs_dialog:The query for subscribtion for [user]=
1,[domain]= test-sip.uninett.no for [event]= presence.winfo returned no
PRESENCE:get_subs_dialog:querying database table = active_watchers
PRESENCE:get_subs_dialog:querying database table = active_watchers
[event]= presence.winfo ^I[staus]= active ^I[expires]= 3600
PRESENCE:query_db_notify: Could not get subs_dialog from database
PRESENCE: get_subs_dialog:The query for subscribtion for [user]=
oak,[domain]= test-sip.uninett.no for [event]= presence.winfo returned no
PRESENCE: get_subs_dialog:The query for subscribtion for [user]=
2,[domain]= test-sip.uninett.no for [event]= presence.winfo returned no
[to_tag]= 10.5208.1174645284.2 ^I[from_tag]= 0c33e958
PRESENCE:update_subscribtion:Could not send notify for presence.winfo
PRESENCE:query_db_notify: Could not get subs_dialog from database
PRESENCE:query_db_notify: Could not get subs_dialog from database
PRESENCE:notify: headers:Event: presence.winfo^M Contact:
<sip:>^M Subscription-State: active;expires=3600^M
Content-Type: application/watcherinfo+xml^M
PRESENCE:notify:dialog informations:
PRESENCE:update_subscribtion:Could not send notify for presence.winfo
PRESENCE:update_subscribtion:Could not send notify for presence.winfo
Request: sip:gojensen at test-sip.uninett.no PUBLISH
sip:gojensen at test-sip.uninett.no -
 ^I[p_user]= 1  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]= gojensen
[w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
PRESENCE:notify:dialog informations:
PRESENCE:notify:dialog informations:
PRESENCE: generate_ETag: etag= a.1174645266.5208.3 / 19
[event]= presence ^I[staus]= active ^I[expires]= 3600
 ^I[p_user]= oak  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]= gojensen
[w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
 ^I[p_user]= 2  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]= gojensen
[w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
PRESENCE:update_presentity: inserting 7 cols intotable
[to_tag]= 10.5214.1174645284.1 ^I[from_tag]= c27b792d
[event]= presence ^I[staus]= pending ^I[expires]= 3600
[event]= presence ^I[staus]= active ^I[expires]= 3600
PRESENCE:get_subs_dialog:querying database table = active_watchers
PRESENCE:get_xcap_tree:The query in table xcap for [username]=1 ,
domain=test-sip.uninett.no returned no result
[to_tag]= 10.5211.1174645284.1 ^I[from_tag]= da1f9a69
[to_tag]= 10.5217.1174645284.1 ^I[from_tag]= ed54b05f
PRESENCE:get_p_notify_body: querying presentity
PRESENCE:notify: Couldn't get xcap_tree
PRESENCE:get_xcap_tree:The query in table xcap for [username]=oak ,
domain=test-sip.uninett.no returned no result
PRESENCE:get_xcap_tree:The query in table xcap for [username]=2 ,
domain=test-sip.uninett.no returned no result
PRESENCE:notify:dialog informations:
PRESENCE:get_p_notify_body: querying presentity
PRESENCE:notify: Couldn't get xcap_tree
PRESENCE:notify: Couldn't get xcap_tree
 ^I[p_user]= gojensen  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]= oak
[w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
PRESENCE: notify: build notify to user= gojensen domain=
test-sip.uninett.no for event= presence
PRESENCE:get_p_notify_body: querying presentity
PRESENCE:get_p_notify_body: querying presentity
[event]= presence ^I[staus]= active ^I[expires]= 536
 ^I[p_user]= 1  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]= gojensen
[w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
PRESENCE: notify: build notify to user= gojensen domain=
test-sip.uninett.no for event= presence
PRESENCE: notify: build notify to user= gojensen domain=
test-sip.uninett.no for event= presence
[to_tag]= 10.4914.1174644620.2 ^I[from_tag]= 4495242092
[event]= presence ^I[staus]= active ^I[expires]= 3600
 ^I[p_user]= oak  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]= gojensen
[w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
 ^I[p_user]= 2  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]= gojensen
[w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
PRESENCE:get_xcap_tree:The query in table xcap for [username]=gojensen ,
domain=test-sip.uninett.no returned no result
[to_tag]= 10.5214.1174645284.1 ^I[from_tag]= c27b792d
[event]= presence ^I[staus]= active ^I[expires]= 3600
[event]= presence ^I[staus]= active ^I[expires]= 3600
PRESENCE:notify: Couldn't get xcap_tree
PRESENCE:notify: headers:Event: presence^M Contact:
<sip:>^M Subscription-State: active;expires=3600^M
Content-Type: application/pidf+xml^M
[to_tag]= 10.5211.1174645284.1 ^I[from_tag]= da1f9a69
[to_tag]= 10.5217.1174645284.1 ^I[from_tag]= ed54b05f
PRESENCE: notify: build notify to user= oak domain= test-sip.uninett.no
for event= presence
PRESENCE:notify: headers:Event: presence^M Contact:
<sip:>^M Subscription-State: active;expires=3600^M
Content-Type: application/pidf+xml^M
PRESENCE:notify: headers:Event: presence^M Contact:
<sip:>^M Subscription-State: active;expires=3600^M
Content-Type: application/pidf+xml^M
 ^I[p_user]= gojensen  [p_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no ^I[w_user]= oak
[w_domain]= test-sip.uninett.no
[event]= presence ^I[staus]= active ^I[expires]= 536
[to_tag]= 10.4914.1174644620.2 ^I[from_tag]= 4495242092
PRESENCE:notify: headers:Event: presence^M Contact:
<sip:>^M Subscription-State: active;expires=536^M
Content-Type: application/pidf+xml^M
PRESENCE: handle_publish: sip-etag: [SIP-ETag: a.1174645266.5208.3^M /31]
child process 5211 exited by a signal 11
core was generated
INFO: terminating due to SIGCHLD
INFO: signal 15 received
INFO: signal 15 received
INFO: signal 15 received
INFO: signal 15 received
INFO: signal 15 received
INFO: signal 15 received
INFO: signal 15 received
INFO: signal 15 received
INFO:mi_fifo:mi_destroy: fifo child successfully killed!

 // geir.o.jensen at uninett.no
    UNINETT AS, NO-7465 Trondheim, NORWAY
    Fax: +47 73 55 79 01, Phn: +47 73 55 79 00

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