[Users] Comparable regex function in openser

CARTWRIGHT, CORY C (ATTSNET) cc3283 at att.com
Fri Mar 23 00:01:05 CET 2007

Hello all,

I am attempting to add a line to the SDP of a reply using subst.

In perl I can do it like this.
	$test1 =~ s/(.+)\sRTP\/AVP\s18\s(.+)/$1 RTP\/AVP 18
$2\na=fmtp:18 annexb=no\n/g;
This ensures I have the whole "m=audio 28104 RTP/AVP 18 101 19" string
in the replacement

I started with this:
	subst('/(.*) RTP\/AVP 18 (.*)/\1 RTP\/AVP 18 \2\r\na=fmtp:18
As most of you probably can see this does not work.  

Does anyone know if this is possible?


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