[Users] ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry
alper ozbilen
alperbilen at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 21 14:54:44 CET 2007
Dear Daniel,
Thank you for your promt reply. I have already set my openserctl config file
as HAS_SERWEB="yes"
But problem was not been fixed. is there another thing to make it fixed.
Alper Ozbilen
>From: Daniel-Constantin Mierla <daniel at voice-system.ro>
>Reply-To: daniel at voice-system.ro
>To: Andreas Sikkema <h323 at ramdyne.nl>
>CC: users at openser.org
>Subject: Re: [Users] ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry
>Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 15:22:17 +0200
>The issue is taht you have created serweb specific columns, but you didn't
>configured openserctl to populate them:
>See here how to fix:
>On 03/21/07 15:15, Andreas Sikkema wrote:
>>On Wednesday 21 March 2007 14:05:05 alper ozbilen wrote:
>>>I used openserctl add but mysql insert is vital to add user through php
>>>As far as i know ha1 & ha1b & and phplib_id fields generated by md5sum??
>>>must there be error in
>>>md5sum ? if so, how can i do?
>>phplib_id need to be unique, but, IIRC, has no special meaning, so anyting
>>unique to the user can be put in there.
>>We use a hybrid table consisting of all the columns from our customer
>>database and the columns openser needs to work for our configuration. IIRC
>>we don't even have the phplib_id column anymore, but since I'm not in the
>>office I can't check.
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