RES: [Users] ENC: Presence Module - Eyebeam 1.5

Anca-Maria Vamanu anca at
Wed Mar 21 10:34:22 CET 2007


The change has been made. Thank you for reporting.

Best regards,
Anca Vamanu

Stephen Varga wrote:

> The column body in the presentity table needs to be changed from the 
> data type text to bytea.
> Steve
> Hildebrando Trannin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using OpenSER with Postgresql. Is there a problem when use this
>> database? If yes, could you send me the mail that reports this error?
>> Thanks,    Hildebrando
>> -----Mensagem original-----
>> De: users-bounces at [mailto:users-bounces at] Em 
>> nome de
>> Anca-Maria Vamanu
>> Enviada em: terça-feira, 20 de março de 2007 14:11
>> Para: users at
>> Assunto: Re: [Users] ENC: Presence Module - Eyebeam 1.5
>> Hello,
>> I have tested using this document. There was no error. So for sure 
>> there is no problem with the format of the document.
>> The problem is somewhere else. I am thinking it might be related to 
>> the problem reported in a previous mail that had to do with the 
>> database.
>> Are you by any chance using postgresql?
>> Best regards,
>> Anca Vamanu
>> Hildebrando Trannin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I configured the presence module in OpenSER v1.2 and it looks like 
>>> ok. But when tested with EyeBeam 1.5 (buil 30037) it doesn’t work. I 
>>> used the WireShark to see the SIP messages and observed that in 
>>> NOTIFY messages there aren’t PIDF document, neither message body. 
>>> Furthermore, OpenSER didn’t parse xml BODY from PRESENTITY table 
>>> when try to build notify. The PIDF document that EyeBeam creates and 
>>> the error that OpenSER gave me when try to parser this document are 
>>> below. Can someone help me with this problem? Is it a bug from OpenSER?
>>> Regards,
>>> Hildebrando
>>> * *
>>> *PIDF Document*
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
>>> <pr:presence xmlns:pr="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf" 
>>> entity="sip:hildebrando at voip.maritaca" 
>>> xmlns:caps="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:caps" 
>>> xmlns:cipid="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:cipid" 
>>> xmlns:counterpath="" 
>>> xmlns:dm="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:data-model" 
>>> xmlns:rpid="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:rpid">
>>> <pr:tuple id="se43ac217">
>>> <pr:status>
>>> <pr:basic>open</pr:basic>
>>> </pr:status>
>>> <pr:note>Busy</pr:note>
>>> <rpid:user-input 
>>> last-input="2007-03-19T19:21:49Z">active</rpid:user-input>
>>> <pr:timestamp>2007-03-19T19:21:49Z</pr:timestamp>
>>> </pr:tuple>
>>> <dm:person id="p0d4e4429">
>>> <rpid:activities>
>>> <rpid:busy/>
>>> </rpid:activities>
>>> <dm:note>Busy</dm:note>
>>> </dm:person>
>>> </pr:presence>
>>> *OpenSER Error*
>>> * *
>>> 2(6498) Chegou um PUBLISH de (hildebrando) para 
>>> (sip:hildebrando at voip.maritaca <mailto:sip:hildebrando at voip.maritaca>)
>>> 2(6498) PRESENCE:update_presentity: querying presentity
>>> 2(6498) PRESENCE:get_subs_dialog:querying database table = 
>>> active_watchers
>>> 2(6498) PRESENCE:get_p_notify_body: querying presentity
>>> 2(6498) PRESENCE:agregate_xmls: ERROR while parsing xml body message
>>> 2(6498) PRESENCE:notify:dialog informations:
>>> 2(6498)
>>> [p_user]= hildebrando [p_domain]= voip.maritaca
>>> [w_user]= gustavo [w_domain]= voip.maritaca
>>> 2(6498) [event]= presence
>>> [staus]= active
>>> [expires]= 3340
>>> 2(6498) [to_tag]= 10.6503.1174328485.15
>>> [from_tag]= 80746145**
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
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