[Users] domain module in 1.2

Andreas Granig andreas.granig at inode.info
Wed Mar 21 09:51:05 CET 2007


In openser 1.1, when I use db_mode=0 (no caching) for domain module, I 
get this error:

/usr/local/openser-1.1# ./sbin/openserctl domain show
500 command 'domain_dump' not available

In openser 1.2, the first time I execute the command, I get nothing, the 
second time openserctl just hangs until I terminate it with ctrl-c:

/usr/local/openser-1.2# ./sbin/openserctl domain show
/usr/local/openser-1.2# ./sbin/openserctl domain show

./sbin/openserctl: line 83: /tmp/openser_fifo: Interrupted system call

Same thing for "domain reload" btw.


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