[Users] Openser and Oracle
Christian Schlatter
cs at unc.edu
Thu Mar 15 01:22:22 CET 2007
Papadopoulos Georgios wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> Our DB already has more than 100 connections from various other systems.
> Each connection takes about 5MB of memory. Since only 5 children are
> taking the heavy load, the rest 23 connections are mostly idle. And
> since we plan to have a second machine running Openser as a failover,
> there will be another 28 iddle connections.
that's one disadvantage of using a heavy-weight DB like Oracle ;-)
> A single connection pool that would serve all children would be able to
> create connections on demand. At peak traffic it would be possible that
> the pool has as many connections as the number of children. But that
> would be rare (at least in our case). Basically, the amount of traffic
> would determine the amount of connections.
DB connections on demand create quite a big query overhead, often a new
connection not only includes TCP handshake but also authentication. This
could be implemented without a shared connection pool though. Setting a
connection timeout on the DB server should disconnect idle DB
connections. And at least with MySQL, openser reconnects after a server
> What if each module opened the connection to the DB in mod_init()
> instead of child_init()? What implications could that have?
Implementing a shared DB connection pool would involve issues like
concurrent access, blocking, and a scheduler keeping track of idle and
busy connections. It's surely a lot easier to let the DB server figure
out concurrent access situations.
> Best regards
> George
>> Papadopoulos Georgios wrote:
>> ...
>>> Another issue that came up is the number of connections
>> from Openser to
>>> the database. In our case, listening to five interfaces, with tcp
>>> disabled and children=5, we get 28 connections to DB which
>> is a great
>>> waste of resources. From those five interfaces, one is
>> receiving the
>>> bulk of traffic and the rest receive minimal traffic. Since
>> each child
>>> has its own connection, then what is the purpose of
>> connection pooling?
>>> How difficult would it be to have a common connection pool
>> for all children?
>> I don't think that having 28 DB connections is a waste of
>> resources, in
>> fact I think you will get better DB query performance using one DB
>> connection per openser worker process than using a DB
>> connection pool.
>> Most databases including Oracle DB are optimized for
>> concurrent access
>> using either a process or a thread pool, so why not take advantage of
>> that. And most DBs can easily handle at least 100 concurrent
>> DB connections.
>> Christian
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