[Users] OpenSER 1.2.0: no user password in database

Franz Edler franz.edler at inode.at
Tue Mar 13 16:46:11 CET 2007


I have got the following strange problem: after creating a user with

	openserctl add alice alice alice at netx.test
	database engine 'MYSQL' loaded
	Control engine 'FIFO' loaded
	is_user: user counter=0
	check_db_alias: alias counter=0
	MySql password for user 'openser at localhost':
	new user 'alice' added
	root at sip:/#

the password column in the database of user alice is empty, and I only can
register without any password.
The same happens with 'bob' etc...

I am using plaintext passwords:
modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", yes)
modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password")

Any ideas what could have gone wrong?


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