[Users] WeSIP for commercial use

Ginés Gómez gines at voztele.com
Tue Mar 6 22:23:46 CET 2007

Hi all,

	I don't know if this is the right forum for the following  
explanation but since you asked I will answer. Please apologize in  
advance those who don't consider this polite but I think that  
defining clearly what is the WeSIP licensing model is worth.

	This comes from the WeSIP site (http://www.wesip.eu/mediawiki/ 

	"WeSIP is FREE for non-commercial use. That means that you can use  
it for any kind project you can think of as long as you don't make  
money out of it. Developers of commercial projects can use it as well  
to develop their commercial applications but not to deploy them."

	We will release a commercial site and a commercial version by june  
that will include the existing WeSIP functionality plus the  
commercial license plus one year of remote email support in working  
hours plus some extra features (redundancy, loadbalancing, graphical  
SIP debugging tool). The cost will be of 2999€ per CPU. After the  
first year, the renewal of the support service represents the 20% of  
the license, that is, 599€.

Hope everything is clear



El 06/03/2007, a las 15:29, Helmut Kuper escribió:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> I remember, that WeSIP isn't free for commercial use. So I does anyone
> knows anything about pricing model?
> regards
> Helmut
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)
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> =oHku
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