[Users] changes in database setup scripts

Henning Westerholt henning.westerholt at 1und1.de
Fri Jun 1 11:16:08 CEST 2007

On Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2007, Ovidiu Sas wrote:
> The location of openserctlrc is dictated by the make options:
> $(cfg-prefix)/$(cfg-dir)/openserctlrc (see install script).

Yes, but the user can override this with the file in his homedir.

> If the script is not able to modify the openserctlrc file, maybe it
> should ask for root password or just print a BIG warning that the
> openserctl file needs to be modified.

Perhaps the database setup user don't have the root password. And Ubuntu for 
example don't use a root password, it uses sudo. So the big warning should be 
better. But this probably would be ignored from many users.

> As an alternative, we could have the test in openserctl, but I think
> that it really belongs to the db install script.

Hm, i'm fine with the test in openserctl, HAS_SERWEB is only used at one place 
in the ctl script and the mysqldb migrate function.

> Also, the db install script should check/change the DBENGINE too :-)
> If DBENGINE is not set, then set it
> If the DBENGINE is set and it matches the install script, proceed,
> otherwise, exit with error: Trying to install a db that doesn't match
> DBENGINE!!! Fix your openserctlrc file.

:-) Sure, this would be nice. 

I think we should also use a common rc file for the openserctl and dbsetup 


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