[OpenSER-Users] a c program behaves differently when called by openser than it does when called from the console.
Olivier Bontron
bontron at telip.com
Fri Jul 13 14:16:59 CEST 2007
Hello Daniel,
Many thanks for your answer.
The point itself is solved.
There were two problems :
1. A problem was that a '$... ' parameter was faulty in the exec_msg when
conveyed to the C program, which in turn did not exactly what it was
supposed to do. On top of it, there was a poorly designed avp_db_query
2. But pb1 should not have taken place when manually writing the exec_msg
request (and adding the right $... in due place) instead of relying on the
avp_db_query result. Though, even manually written, the exec_msg failed. So
there was another problem and I think you have provided the right
explanation : openser can fake the environment variable.
I hope it can be useful to other readers, since, as there is no error
message, it's not so easy to analyse.
Your suggestion of using avp_db_query : good idea, I 'll try to make a more
extensive use of avp_db_query.
Again, many thanks,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel-Constantin Mierla" <daniel at voice-system.ro>
To: "Bontron" <bontron at telip.com>
Cc: <users at openser.org>
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 1:02 PM
Subject: Re: [OpenSER-Users] a c program behaves differently when called by
openser than it does when called from the console.
> Hello,
> On 07/11/07 14:08, Bontron wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have this piece of code in my openser.cfg :
>> exec_msg("/usr/local/etc/openser/uri-folder/record '$fu' $$SIP_USER '$ft'
>> 'additionalinfo'");
>> The instruction 'record' is a c program.
>> This is supposed to add a record in a mysql database - new incoming
>> call,
>> from caller , to called, date, and an additional info - and as the matter
>> of
>> fact it almost does except that 'record' is unable to append the date. It
>> writes '0000-00-00'.
>> The strange thing is that when the 'record' instruction is being called
>> from
>> the console, the set of instructions being manually written : record
>> 'joe at ....' etc ... it records everything including the right date and
>> time.
>> Did any one face a similar situation ? Thanks in advance.
> I do not know how you get the date there, but if you rely on some
> environment varibles, beware that openser fakes the environment when
> executing the command. You may use date functions from the mysql.
> As side not, have a look at avp_db_query(), you may achieve same
> functionality without the need of calling external commands.
> Cheers,
> Daniel
>> Olivier
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