[Users] OpenSER 1.2.0 + Presence

Bernard Chan bernardchan at mobileclusters.com
Tue Jan 30 09:26:26 CET 2007


I'm currently experimenting with OpenSER 1.2.0 with Presence module.
Earlier I tried OpenSER 1.0/1.1 with PA. I'm using a third-party
softphone which for some reasons, I would not like to disclose the name
of it.

After switching to 1.2.0+Presence, the softphone segfaults on startup.
After tracing the source code of the phone and OpenSER and performing
hundreds of packet sniffing over the past several days, I have grown to
suspect that a certain behaviour with the new presence module may be the
cause, but I would like to verify whether that is the case.

For some reasons it is infeasible for me to modify the source code of
the softphone used (actually I may be able to but that is what I would
like to avoid). But it seems to choke on receiving a NOTIFY before the
OK for the corresponding SUBSCRIBE is received by the softphone.

So, any chance that I can test it by just modifying the config of
OpenSER alone without changing the sources, both of OpenSER and the

Thanks in advance for any invaluable insights.

Bernard Chan.

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