[Users] Re: qop="auth" with uac_auth

Andreas Heise aheise at gmx.de
Mon Jan 8 22:12:55 CET 2007

Thomas Gelf schrieb:
> Same problem here. As I make intensive use of uac_auth() and need to
> authenticate against Proxies sending me the qop parameter in their
> authentication challenge, in the meantime I helped myself by simply
> commenting out the "goto error" section in modules/uac/auth_hdr.c.
> I just changed
>>             case QOP_STATE:
>>                 /* TODO - add qop support */
>>                 LOG(L_ERR,"ERROR:uac:parse_authenticate_body: no qop 
>> support "
>>                     "for the moment :-(\n");
>>                 goto error;
>>                 auth->qop = val;
>>                 break;
> to
>>             case QOP_STATE:
>>                 /* TODO - add qop support */
>>                 break;
> somewhere around line 215.

I already used this "fix" to ignore the qop value and from my opinion
it should be OK if qop=auth, because the result of the digest should
be the same for qop = "auth" or unspecified see page 14 in the
following draft of an example


but! by this way the Authenticated Request from OpenSER does not
contains qop="auth" in the response which is maybe a problem for
some gateways.

> Sure, that's not the way things should be solved - but at the moment
> it fits my needs. And as of RFC 2617 I should be fine - not sure about
> RFC3261. Section 22.4(.8) states that "the 'qop' parameter must unfor-
> tunately remain optional for clients and servers to receive" - so imo
> it should be ok. (?)
> To be sincere I did never REALLY understand this whole qop thingy. Afaik
> OpenSER isn't able to increment cseq in it's UAC module as this module
> doesn't have any dialog support. And in my believes that's why the UAC
> module has been designed to fail if it recieves a challenge containing
> qop (because it isn't able to do it the right way).
I believe that the fail is wanted to be able to forward the 401|407 to the
calling client which is maybe able to answer a challenge which contains qop

> Nonetheless with my little "patch" everything "just works":
> -> UAC module sends an INVITE request
> -> remote sends it's 407 message, containing nonce and qop (but no
>    cnonce)
> -> 407 gets acknowledged
> -> UAC module ignores the qop (as error handling is commented out) and
>    sends a new INVITE request with the correct nonce (and is therefore
>    doing correct digest authentication) but with wrong cseq (eg same
>    cseq as previous INVITE = cseq supplied from client)
but the response does not contains the chosen qop value
>  -> remote party (proxy asking for authentication) accepts my INVITE
> I'm doing so since AVP support has been added to uac_auth() - see also
> http://www.openser.org/pipermail/devel/2006-March/002162.html and it
> worked fine with all versions of OpenSER I compiled since this date.
> It would be great if (unless cseq incrementation support will once be
> added to UAC) upstream sources could comment out this section (as I
> showed above).
> I don't see any grave issues in doing so - and it would probably help
> people who need this feature. Would such a modification be an option for
> OpenSER 1.2? You could also add an optional swich like
> > modparam("uac","ignore_qop",1);
I think we can save the time to build a modparam, this time could be 
better used
for a final solution, because it's still not working with qoq="auth-int" 
or qop="auth-int, auth"
and if it's really needed everybody can uncomment and compile it self.

I found an answer from Bogdan in the devel list that the cseq  and qop
limits will not be removed with 1.2


but I hope in the next roadmap for 1.3 it can be changed for optional to
todo to get this feature......
> Please let me know if you like my proposal or if I'm talking bullshit :)
no it's not bullshit ;-) as the problem is really old.......

> Kind regards,
> Thomas Gelf
> Andreas Heise schrieb:
>> Hello,
>> since a lot of providers has change there authentication to qop="auth"
>> the uac_auth(); function of the uac module can't use anymore.
>> by google I found a lot of requests for qop with uac_auth and also
>> the official feature request 1345887.
>> Is a target date known for a solution, maybe it's possible with 1.2.0?
>> Feature Request [ 1345887 ] Implement qop functionality in uac module
>> p.s.: I know it's on the road map, but it is needed so often......
>> thanks.
>> Andreas
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