[Users] several presence question

Adrian Georgescu ag at ag-projects.com
Wed Jan 3 18:47:20 CET 2007

An out of band reload command in the management interface can solve  
this. So you may change the presentity stored in db from your  
external application and issue a reload command for that presentity,  
which caches the data in memory and sends the Notifys out.


On Jan 3, 2007, at 10:54 AM, Klaus Darilion wrote:

> Adrian Georgescu wrote:
>> On Dec 31, 2006, at 12:12 PM, Klaus Darilion wrote:
>>> On Sat, December 30, 2006 23:27, Adrian Georgescu said:
>>>>>> Now you can write in database, a cache mode is planned for the
>>>>>> future,
>>>>>> but now it uses database since published XMLs could be quite big.
>>>>> How does the presence module knows that the database was updated
>>>>> and it
>>>>> should send out NOTIFY messages?
>>>> At this moment there is no link between a policy update of the XCAP
>>>> presence-rules document and the the Presence UA. A mechanism is yet
>>>> to be defined and easy to implement.
>>> Actually I meant to update the presence state, not the XCAP rules.
>> The Notifys are triggered by the receiving of the Publish message.
> Thus, is there a way to modify the presence payload and trigger  
> NOTIFY requests from an external application?
> regards
> klaus
> -- 
> Klaus Darilion
> nic.at

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