[Users] openSER on OpenBSD: cannot start openser

Ben Ferguson - backcountry.com bferguson at backcountry.com
Tue Feb 20 22:04:15 CET 2007

Hello all,

I've just installed openSER on OpenBSD and I'm now trying to get openSER to start and am having trouble.  I try openserctl start and here's what i get:

    # openserctl start   
    database engine 'MYSQL' loaded
    Control engine 'FIFO' loaded

    Starting OpenSER : 
    \E[37;31mERROR: PID file /var/run/openser.pid does not exist -- OpenSER start failed

After a bunch of reading it seems as if openserctl is now obsolete (???) and that you should use the init script.  I can't find reference for anyone running it like this on OpenBSD.  I have found openser.init file in /<src directory>/packaging/gentoo and /<src directory>/packaging/rpm, but i am not sure how to use them on OpenBSD (I'm rather new to OpenBSD... I'm used to the rpm style of things.)

I've searched and searched but can't find any info...  So. anybody out there using openSER on OpenBSD?  Or anybody know howto (or whereto find the info to) set up the start script for openSER on OpenBSD?

Any help is greatly appreciated!


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