[Users] NAT problem for PRACK replies

Jeff Williams jeffw at globaldial.com
Fri Feb 9 01:47:26 CET 2007


I seem to have a problem replies to PRACKs from NATed UAs. The UA is
behind the NAT on a private IP listening on port 5060. This port gets
mapped to 1350 on the external IP by the NAT device.

The INVITE goes out fine and gets the contact updated for NAT by:

    if (client_nat_test("3")) {

This then receives a 183 reply to which it sends a PRACK. However, the
200 response to the PRACK gets sent to port 5060 on the external IP =>
which of course doesn't get to the UA.

Is there something I'm missing in my config? I have attached a trace of
the call setup.

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