[Users] CVS frozen - testing phase of 1.2.0

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at voice-system.ro
Mon Feb 5 13:02:30 CET 2007


starting with today the development for 1.2.0 is closed. No new features 
should be added until the release. The next month will be dedicated to 
testing, integration of submitted patches and fixing reported bugs.

We have a lot of new code to test, your help is very much appreciated. I 
want to list the major changes you should focus on while testing:
- usage of pseudo-variables and transformations is script 
- TM timers (millisecond accuracy)
- IP blacklists
- DNS failover
- automatic error handling
- flags system (script flags, message flags, branch flags)
- usrloc enhancements (licking system refurbished, database content 
optimization via DB fetch support)
- new management interface (mi_fifo, mi_xmlrpc)
- SIP Servlet Java Application server interoperability (seas module)
- PERL AGI (perl module)
- SNMP support via snmpstats module
- Presence support (modules presence, pua, pua_usrloc, pua_mi)
- xmpp IM gateway (xmpp module)
- sip session timer support (module sst)
- accounting clean up
- federation based peering via domainpolicy module

If I forgot something, please contribute.

In addition, great help would be with creating 1.2.0 variants of 
documentation and dokuwiki pages (where is the case), testing the tools 
(openserctl, DB creation scripts) and developing scripts to migrate 
database from 1.1.x to 1.2.0.

To keep track of discovered issues, please register them on the tracker 
-- it this way you make sure it is not lost in mail threads:

Have nice testing sessions! Your feedback is always helpful!


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