[Users] Change a Status Code From 182 to 180

Marc Schaefer callway at gotec-cafe.de
Fri Feb 2 18:27:10 CET 2007

Hello all,
I've a small problem that causes a lot of problems and is in some way

I've a Openser 1.1.1 Server running on a public rootserver. User are
registered with FritzBox ( DSL-Router with Voip-Stack) or a
Soft/Hardphone being Nated. For the PSTN connectivity i've access to a
PSTN Gateway from the BT.
Everything works very nice with just one problem remaining. When one
User gets a call from PSTN and picks it up, no problems. But the problem
comes when a second call is made to the same User. His phone tells him
that somebody is knocking and he can pickup the phone without any problem.
The problem is on the callers side because he doesn't get any feedback
that he is ringing/knocking, so most of the time he will just cancel the

I did some research about it and here are my conclusions:

The INVITE from the second call  isn't answered with a "180 Ringing.."
but with a "182 Queued.." which doesn't trigger a Ringing for the  PSTN
Call. When I talked to the BT support they did not really know about the
status code 182 and could not give me an answer how their mediagateway
will handle it ( They promised me to get the informtion :-) ).
On the other side I can't change the Firmware so there's no way of
persuading the DSL-Router to use 180 instead of 182.

So my questions are:
Can i change the status code at the proxy?
If so, in which part of the routing logic do I have to change it?

I tried a lot of different subst() and replace() commands but none had
any effect on the sip messages it always kept being 182.
Below you can see my configuration which is based on the template from
ixcall ( http://www.ixcall.net/?q=node/32 ) with a lot of changes and
support from the "getting started" guide from onsip.org, of course
adapted to the openser 1.1.1 version

I have attached my config. Keep in mind that this config will get
through a m4 parser before being ready to be used ( mechanism can be
seen at ixcall ).

I hope my english is good enough to have my problem explained in a
understandable manner

Have fun


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