[OpenSER-Users] CPL doesn't allow "redirect" to url="http://webpage"

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at aliax.net
Sun Dec 16 17:59:35 CET 2007

Hi, I want to set a redirect to a web page in CPL but I get error:

		<lookup source="registration">
				<proxy />
				<location url="http://google.es">
					<redirect />

~# openserctl fifo LOAD_CPL sip:user at domain /etc/openser/cpl/user at domain.xml
500 Bad CPL file
Log:: Error: Encoding of the CPL script failed

It works if I set (as usual):
  <location url="sip:user2 at domain">

Why doesn't CPL module allow redirection to non SIP target?

Iñaki Baz Castillo

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