[OpenSER-Users] Re: How can it be simpler and working? CDRTool
lftsy at free.fr
Thu Aug 9 14:01:55 CEST 2007
Yes, I've added all rights to my account...
and price is NULL in the database until a Normalize is done! All prices are set to 0.0000 after...
And after a
Normalize datasource ser_radius, database DB_radius, table radacct200708
Aug 9 14:00:02 sd-7501 CDRTool[18946]: ShowPrice Id=3 Timestamp=1186660750 Duration=11 inputTraffic=0 outputTraffic=0 From=sip:106 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr
To=6713 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr Gateway= Application=audio
flavio a écrit :
> Marc,
> Have you checked your user rights in the CDRTool (is show price item
> highlighted?). My CDRtool shown x.xxx in the price and that's was the
> cause.
> Flavio
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Marc LEURENT" <lftsy at free.fr>
> To: "Dan-Cristian Bogos" <dan.bogos at gmail.com>
> Cc: <users at openser.org>
> Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 8:01 AM
> Subject: [OpenSER-Users] Re: How can it be simpler and working? CDRTool
> I'm starting to fell sorry to bother you like that...
> I have changed the database like you said, but it is still not working...
> ShowPrice From=sip:101 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr To=0033677832974
> Duration=5923
> 0.0000
> Should I try to downgrade to version 5.1.3 like yours?
> ShowMemory
> 1 destinations
> 1 customers
> 1 profiles
> 1 rates
> 0 holidays
> 2 prepaid accounts
> 1 sessions
> 1 sessions last minute
> 1 sessions last hour
> 1 sessions last day
> but in the database, the prepaid account is credited by 10.00
> ShowPrepaidAccounts Filter=101 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr
> Account=101 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr Balance=10040.0000
> ShowCustomers
> default
> ShowAccounts
> Error: Invalid request
> MaxSessionTime From=sip:101 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr
> To=sip:106 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr Duration=7200 Lock=1
> none
> DebitBalance From=sip:101 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr
> To=sip:106 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr Duration=59
> Ok
> Dan-Cristian Bogos a écrit :
>> Ok, let's take it in your way. I would rather modify your data into:
>> Destinations:
>> Ops,Gateway,Domain,Subscriber,Destination Id,Description
>> Customers:
>> Ops,Gateway,Domain,Subscriber,WeekDay,Fallback,WeekEnd,Fallback,Timezone,Incr,Minim
>> 2,,,,441,,441,,,1,1
>> Profiles:
>> Ops,Gateway,Domain,Subscriber,Profile Id,Rate Id1,00-H1,Rate
>> Id2,H1-H2,Rate Id3,H2-H3,Rate Id4,H3-24
>> 2,,,,441,441,8,441,19,441,24,441,0
>> Rates:
>> Ops,Gateway,Domain,Subscriber,Rate Id,Destination,Price,App,Connect
>> 2,,,,441,131,2100,audio,0
>> U did not have a rate id and no App. Without App field for me it does
>> not calculate either.
>> DanB
>>> But, the command ShowPrice returns:
>>> ShowPrice From=sip:101 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr To=0033677832974
>>> Duration=59
>>> 0.0000
>>> I have a field TrafficRate in the database but doesn't appear on the
>>> CDRTool interface
>>> I put random values inside
>>> Dan-Cristian Bogos a écrit :
>>>> My version is:
>>>> CDRTool version 5.1.3
>>>> In my rates table I have one more field more which is TrafficRate. I
>>>> see that this one is missing on your side.
>>>> Can u also create a default rate table without filling any of the
>>>> gateway, subscriber, domain in profiles? This one should match all the
>>>> destinations. Maybe would be useful till u make it work to have only
>>>> the test row and remove anything else to take it gradually.
>>>> Also, try querying for price with 00 added in the front of the
>>>> destination since this is the default prefix set in CDRTool for
>>>> international destinations (without being necessary to be added in
>>>> rate or destination table).
>>>> DanB
>>>> On 8/9/07, Marc LEURENT <lftsy at free.fr> wrote:
>>>>> I have added:
>>>>> Destination:
>>>>> Ops,Gateway,Domain,Subscriber,Destination Id,Description
>>>>> 2,,sd-7501.dedibox.fr,,31800,Ma Dst TEST
>>>>> 2,,,33677832974,131,TEST INTERNATIONAL
>>>>> Profiles:
>>>>> Ops,Gateway,Domain,Subscriber,Profile Id,Rate Id1,00-H1,Rate
>>>>> Id2,H1-H2,Rate Id3,H2-H3,Rate Id4,H3-24
>>>>> 2,,sd-7501.dedibox.fr,101 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr,441,441,8,441,19,441,24,441,0
>>>>> 2,,sd-7501.dedibox.fr,106 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr,441,441,8,441,19,441,24,441,0
>>>>> 2,,,33677832974,441,441,22,441,23,441,24,441,0
>>>>> Rates:
>>>>> Ops,Gateway,Domain,Subscriber,Rate Id,Destination,Price,App,Connect
>>>>> 2,,sd-7501.dedibox.fr,,441,31800,2100,audio,4647
>>>>> 2,,sd-7501.dedibox.fr,101 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr,441,31800,200,audio,2364
>>>>> 2,,sd-7501.dedibox.fr,102 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr,441,31800,200,audio,245
>>>>> 2,,,33677832974,441,131,2100,,2426
>>>>> ShowPrice From=sip:101 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr To=33677832974
>>>>> Duration=59
>>>>> 0.0000
>>>>> But it is still not working...
>>>>> Could you spent some time sending me a part of yours...
>>>>> And are you using CDRTool 5.2.1??
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Dan-Cristian Bogos a écrit :
>>>>>> Hi Marc,
>>>>>> can u do me a favor and try adding in an international destination in
>>>>>> your pricelist and try placing a call to it. See if you get billing
>>>>>> calculation for it. I suspect that your billing doesn't match the
>>>>>> destination due to prefixes which are normally stripped. Not quite a
>>>>>> CDRTool internals expert but my installation simply works for
>>>>>> international destinations.
>>>>>> DanB
>>>>>> On 8/9/07, Marc LEURENT <lftsy at free.fr> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Dan-Cristian,
>>>>>>> I just want a simple thing, that when I'm connecting to the
>>>>>>> rating engine using telnet: telnet 9024
>>>>>>> When I enter such a command, that the price should be != 0:
>>>>>>> ShowPrice From=sip:101 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr
>>>>>>> To=sip:106 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr Duration=59
>>>>>>> 0.0000
>>>>>>> Help would be very grateful...
>>>>>>> Thanks...
>>>>>>> The rating engine is requesting the good radaact200708 table (I
>>>>>>> have change my globac.inc conf file
>>>>>>> "ser_radius"=>array(
>>>>>>> "name" => "OpenSER",
>>>>>>> "class" => "CDRS_ser_radius",
>>>>>>> "table" => "radacct".date("Ym"),
>>>>>>> ......
>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>> Here is a view of the rating tables... And I don't understand
>>>>>>> where I'm wrong..
>>>>>>> Destinations:
>>>>>>> Ops,Gateway,Domain,Subscriber,Destination Id,Description
>>>>>>> 2,,sd-7501.dedibox.fr,,31800,Ma Dst TEST
>>>>>>> Customers:
>>>>>>> Ops,Gateway,Domain,Subscriber,WeekDay,Fallback,WeekEnd,Fallback,Timezone,Incr,Minim
>>>>>>> 2,,sd-7501.dedibox.fr,101 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr,441,,442,,Europe/Paris,20,1
>>>>>>> 2,,sd-7501.dedibox.fr,106 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr,441,,442,,Europe/Paris,34,1
>>>>>>> Profiles:
>>>>>>> Ops,Gateway,Domain,Subscriber,Profile Id,Rate Id1,00-H1,Rate
>>>>>>> Id2,H1-H2,Rate Id3,H2-H3,Rate Id4,H3-24
>>>>>>> 2,,sd-7501.dedibox.fr,,441,442,8,441,19,441,24,441,0
>>>>>>> 2,,sd-7501.dedibox.fr,,442,442,24,442,0,442,0,442,0
>>>>>>> Rates:
>>>>>>> Ops,Gateway,Domain,Subscriber,Rate Id,Destination,Price,App,Connect
>>>>>>> 2,,,,441,31800,2100,audio,0
>>>>>>> 2,,,,442,31800,200,audio,0
>>>>>>> Prepaid:
>>>>>>> Ops,Account,Balance,Last change,Lock,Start time,Last
>>>>>>> price,Max,Destination
>>>>>>> 2,101 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr,10030.0000,2007-08-08
>>>>>>> 17:57:00,,0000-00-00 00:00:00,0.0000,0,
>>>>>>> 2,106 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr,20010.0000,2007-08-08
>>>>>>> 17:38:09,,0000-00-00 00:00:00,0.0000,0,
>>>>>>> ShowPrepaidAccounts Filter=sd-7501.dedibox.fr
>>>>>>> Account=101 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr Balance=10030.0000
>>>>>>> Account=106 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr Balance=20010.0000
>>>>>>> And here is my radacct200708 table:
>>>>>>> RadAcctId AcctSessionId AcctUniqueId UserName
>>>>>>> Realm NASIPAddress NASPortId NASPortType
>>>>>>> AcctStartTime AcctStopTime AcctSessionTime
>>>>>>> AcctAuthentic ConnectInfo_start ConnectInfo_stop
>>>>>>> AcctInputOctets AcctOutputOctets CalledStationId
>>>>>>> CallingStationId AcctTerminateCause
>>>>>>> ServiceType FramedProtocol FramedIPAddress AcctStartDelay
>>>>>>> AcctStopDelay SipMethod SipResponseCode SipToTag
>>>>>>> SipFromTag
>>>>>>> SipTranslatedRequestURI SipUserAgents
>>>>>>> SipApplicationType SipCodecs SipRPID
>>>>>>> SipRPIDHeader SourceIP SourcePort CanonicalURI DelayTime
>>>>>>> Timestamp DestinationId Rate Price Normalized
>>>>>>> BillingId MediaInfo RTPStatistics FromHeader
>>>>>>> UserAgent Contact
>>>>>>> "2";"vjyxdmwkbbjajnc at";"336224af44cd989a";"sip:106 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr";"sd-7501.dedibox.fr";"";"5060";;"2007-08-09
>>>>>>> 10:55:58";"2007-08-09
>>>>>>> 10:56:03";"5";NULL;NULL;;"0";"0";;;"200";"Sip-Session";;;"0";"0";"INVITE";"200";"c0a80101-20e94fd";"nxitc";;;;;;;;;"101 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr";;"0";;;NULL;"0";;NULL;;;;
>>>>>>> And my syslog:
>>>>>>> Aug 9 11:00:03 sd-7501 CDRTool[17377]: Normalize datasource
>>>>>>> ser_radius, database DB_radius, table radacct200708
>>>>>>> Aug 9 11:00:03 sd-7501 CDRTool[17377]: Lock
>>>>>>> ser_radius:radacct200708
>>>>>>> Aug 9 11:00:03 sd-7501 CDRTool[17097]: ShowPrice Id=2
>>>>>>> Timestamp=1186649758 Duration=5 inputTraffic=0 outputTraffic=0
>>>>>>> From=sip:106 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr
>>>>>>> To=101 at sd-7501.dedibox.fr Gateway= Application=audio
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