[Users] Avpops'exported function

chungyu chungyu at ms11.voip.edu.tw
Thu Apr 12 15:52:14 CEST 2007

Norman,sunkara,raviprakash sunkara

            avp_db_query() can do deleted and stored procedure
    insert into new data in table
   avp_write("$ru/username", "$avp(i:55)");
   avp_write("$ru/domain", "$avp(i:54)");
   avp_db_query("insert into contact (username,domain) values 

  Callee uri save in contact(table name).
  Thank you for your help very much


> Chungyu,
> Perhaps the following will work for you:
> avp_db_query("DELETE FROM usr_preferences WHERE (username = 'bob') AND
> (number = '1')");
> Using the above as an example, you should be able to INSERT into a table
> with avp_db_query();
> Regards,
> Norm
> chungyu wrote:
>> Dear all:
>> Avpops module' exported function avp_db_delete() can do delete one 
>> record?
>> example:
>> I use "test" as default table that has two fields.
>> username | number
>> -------------------
>> bob | 1
>> alice | 1
>> bob | 2
>> my configuration:
>> modparam("avpops", "avp_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")
>> modparam("avpops", "avp_table", "test")
>> modparam("avpops", "username_column", "username")
>> modparam("avpops", "avp_aliases", "num=i:55")
>> modparam("avpops", "db_scheme",
>> "number_scheme:table=test;value_col=number;value_type=string")
>> if (method=="INVITE"){
>> avp_db_load("$from/username", "$num/$number_scheme"); //load from
>> table "test" ,number column as string value into AVP name '$num'
>> avp_db_delete("$from/username", "s:test") //delete all bob' record
>> };
>> if bob calling then bob'record has deleted
>> username | number
>> --------------------
>> alice | 1
>> But i want delete a record.
>> ex: delete number value is 1 for bob
>> username | number
>> --------------------
>> alice | 1
>> ---------------------
>> bob | 2
>> avp_db_delete() can do delete one record?
>> Another question is avp_db_store() can do insert new data in table?
>> ex: insert into test (username,number) values ("mary","3")
>> username | number
>> -------------------
>> alice | 1
>> -------------------
>> bob | 2
>> -------------------
>> mary | 3
>> avp_db_store() can do it?
>> sorry,I still can't understand what it mean about avp_db_store() and
>> avp_db_delete().
>> Can tell me?
>> Thanks a lot in advance
>> Chungyu
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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