[Users] Error in installing Ruby...Please help...Please

Ferianto siregar ferianto_voip at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 7 15:53:29 CEST 2006

Dear Sunkara,
  Thank you very much.
  Maybe I am too stupid to understand you explanation. I am sorry because  I ask you a question anymore? Can I ? Please....  :-)
  From your explanation, that`s mean I just have to install all packet from FC5 then untar the openseradmin packet and it will work successfully?
  Do I need Ruby (as mentioned in openseradmin installation note)? Because FC5 has had Ruby packet in it.
  Thanks you very much for your explanation.

raviprakash sunkara <sunkara.raviprakash.feb14 at gmail.com> wrote:
  Hi Ferianto ,

I Too using the FC5 , install the all packages in FC5 
from add or remove programs,
And then process the openser addminstroator,
Now  the Ruby is work,

  On 9/7/06, Ferianto siregar <ferianto_voip at yahoo.com> wrote:    Dear Sunkara,

Thank you very much.

I use FedoraCore 5

raviprakash sunkara < sunkara.raviprakash.feb14 at gmail.com> wrote:  Hello Siregar,
I need urs 
Which OS U r using...

  On 9/6/06, Ferianto siregar <ferianto_voip at yahoo.com > wrote:    Dear all,

Thank you very much for your help.
A few days ago, I have sent a message that to ask about openser admin installation. Thank you very much for your help. Thanks 
Now, I have tried to install it again. But, When I compile the rubygerms-0.9.0.tar.gz, I got error message. This is the task that I have done before:
1. Untar the rubygerms packet
       # tar -zxvf rubygems-0.9.0.tar.gz 
       # cd rubygems-0.9.0
       # ruby setup.rb
       # gem install --include-dependencies
When I type this command, "gem install --include-dependencies", I got error message. 
This is the error message: 
      Attempting local installation of 'rails'
      Local gem file not found: rails*.gem
      Attempting remote installation of 'rails' 
      Updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org
      ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteSourceException)
      Error fetching remote gem cache: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name     esolution 
  What`s wrong? I do hope anybody can help me to solve this problem. Please help me...Please help because of my lack skills..Please 

1. I do not have connection through the internet, so for rails packet, I have downloaded the rails-1.1.6.tar.gz.
 I have untar it in root directory(same as rubygems) and type command
 rails # script/server 
But, Nothing happens. Why? Please...
  Thank you very much





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