[Users] Cvs snapshot Invalid table version

Pletli Antal a.pletli at euromacc.hu
Wed Oct 25 12:00:50 CEST 2006


How can I fix the "version" table to work with openser cvs snapshot? I
have problem with grp,silo and location tables.
I have installed the DB from the cvs too.

| table_name      | table_version |
| subscriber      |             5 |
| missed_calls    |             3 |
| location        |          1003 |
| aliases         |          1003 |
| grp             |             2 |
| re_grp          |             1 |
| acc             |             3 |
| silo            |             5 |
| domain          |             1 |
| uri             |             1 |
| trusted         |             3 |
| usr_preferences |             2 |
| speed_dial      |             2 |
| dbaliases       |             1 |
| gw              |             3 |
| gw_grp          |             1 |
| lcr             |             2 |
| sip_trace       |             1 |
| address         |             2 |
| domainpolicy    |             2 |
| presentity      |             1 |
| presence        |             1 |

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