[Users] Help with SER and B2BUA

Marco Meinardi m.meinardi at reteitaly.com
Wed May 17 17:06:09 CEST 2006

Dear Guys,

I still need help designing my SER architecture. I have to implement 
prepaid system with customized billing methods and I have been advised 
to use Asterisk B2BUA.

SER and Asterisk will handle signalling, Mediaproxy will handle ALL RTP 

UAc ---> SER: Auth, Loc ---> Asterisk B2BUA ---> UAs

I want to keep SER as my central SIP proxy performing user registration, 
authentication and location, using Asterisk only for terminating 
ongoigng calls after the credit is over. An external perl application 
will calculate the time that the call should last, according to remaning 
credit, Asterisk will decrement this time counter and terminate the call 
when it reaches to 0.
Subtracting credit will be done in post-processing reading SER acc table.

Please advise me, by telling me if this is the correct approach and if 
it possible to implement.

Thanks in advance once again.

Marco Meinardi <m.meinardi at reteitaly.com>

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