[Users] Database AVP

Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at
Wed May 10 10:43:24 CEST 2006

Douglas Garstang wrote:
> Can someone post/link to some examples of how to use avp module to write/read data to/from MySQL tables?
> The openser.org docs are reeeeealy bad.

(old 1.0.0 AVP syntax)

The AVP alias cansipuri hold the canoncial SIP URI (after 
lookup("aliases"). We use this as uri identifier to laod from the DB.

We load the AVP from voicemail_extension in the alias AVP 

This fetches the voicemail extension for a certain user from DB.

# load voicemail extension for local destination

I did this long time ago, thus I can not remember each detail.

  SELECT * from voicemail_extension;
        username   |        domain         |  value  | type |attribute
  klaus.darilion   | xxxx.at43.at          | 1234567 |    2 | 105
  john.public      | xxxx.at43.at          | 1234568 |    2 | 105

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