[Users] extra accounting and exported pseudo variables

Daniel-Constantin Mierla daniel at voice-system.ro
Thu May 4 15:48:08 CEST 2006

On 05/04/2006 01:36 PM, Klaus Darilion wrote:
> Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
>> Hello,
>> On 05/04/2006 12:52 AM, Klaus Darilion wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> but why does it work with xlog and $tls_peer_subject?
>> maybe in that case the callback function to get $tls_peer_subject 
>> value does not return something !=0. Please send it to me if you have 
>> further doubts, I will take a look.
> Hi Daniel!
> new tlsops module is available at
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1477147&group_id=139143&atid=743022 
> you have to install both: 1. the core patch + 2. the TLSops module 
> (the tlsops module uses new INFO(""), DEBUG("") ... macros which I 
> copied from ser)
> It would be great if you could take a look at it - if the code is fine.
Thanks for the update, I will do my best over the weekend, currently I 
am traveling.


> thanks
> klaus
>> Best regards,
>> Daniel
>>> regards
>>> klaus
>>> On Wed, May 3, 2006 18:35, Daniel-Constantin Mierla said:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> they should work, I tried with $T_branch_idx and no error. The 
>>>> error you
>>>> got is related to bad parameters or your function returns false. The
>>>> convection is that the functions returning pseudovariables will return
>>>> all the time true and set the value to null, if the field is not found
>>>> (see some examples in items.c).
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Daniel
>>>> On 05/03/2006 06:44 PM, Klaus Darilion wrote:
>>>>> Hi!
>>>>> I'm trying to extra account exported pseudo variables. should this 
>>>>> work?
>>>>> modparam("acc", "db_extra",
>>>>> "source_ip=$si;source_port=$sp;received_ip=$Ri;received_port=$Rp;tls_peer_subject=$tls_peer_subject"); 
>>>>> nomal logging is fine:
>>>>>  xlog("L_INFO","[$Tf] $$tls_peer_subject    = 
>>>>> '$tls_peer_subject'\n");
>>>>> results in:
>>>>> [Wed May  3 16:11:52 2006] $tls_peer_subject    =
>>>>> '/C=at/ST=Vienna/L=Vienna/O=itsp2/CN=itsp2.labs.nic.at
>>>>> But the accounting fails:
>>>>>   ERROR:acc:extra2strar: failed to get 'tls_peer_subject'
>>>>> Is there a known problem? Is it because when the accounting is done,
>>>>> there is no more TLS connection available to retrieve the cert
>>>>> parameters?
>>>>> Meanwhile I will try the workaround with copying to AVPs and
>>>>> accounting of the AVPs.
>>>>> regards
>>>>> klaus
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